Andromalius - The Seven of Swords

Andromalius - The Seven of Swords

Hello Weirdos!

For this week’s card I have pulled The Seven of Swords who is guarded by our new Demon pal, Andromalius. Let’s see what we’re being read about this week shall we!

The Seven of Swords

Original Rider Waite Tarot

Card Description

This male presenting human looks like a straight up thief to me. On first look at this card the “time to do some sketchy sh*t - do dah, do dah” song started instantly playing in my brain. The way he’s moving looks like he’s sneaking away with five swords that he’s somehow juggling in his hands. The way he holds them kind of has the same vibe as the bartender that carries the five foot tall stack of glasses without dropping them. His head is turned back like he’s looking behind him to make sure he’s not being followed - but he doesn’t seem super phased - it almost looks like he’s grinning to me. The other two swords are standing upright next to each other behind him. Beyond the swords we can see what looks like a small town/city of tents - maybe even a market place. Behind him to the left it looks like a small group of people are having a fire - one of the shadows almost looks like a shepherd since he’s standing up with his little shepherd stick thing that they carry around (staff maybe?) I don’t know. Like the other card it looks as though he’s probably standing on some kind of platform since it looks like a pretty smooth landing in comparison to the sand behind him. Looking at his clothes he looks pretty well off. Maybe he’s like a rich Robin Hood or something.

There's the photo! Feel free to add things you can see that I haven’t caught in the comment box at the end of the post!

Key Meanings: Theft & Dishonesty

Upright: Cunning. Stealth. Guard Against Theft.

Reversed: Positive Thinking. Converting Weakness into Strength

The story behind the card

Okay, absolute nail on the head for me with this one. If it was cool to high five yourself - I would. The only thing that I need to pay more attention to in future cards is the colouring of things as that too seems to play a factor in the imagery. This character is in fact a smug thief who is very confidently taking these swords. While the owners are distracted doing things elsewhere - he robs their weapons. He is giving a sarcastic smile back to the tents which all have open doors and very bright patterns making it all look very attractive and worthy of being stolen from. He knows full well he is not going to be caught. The cards’ yellow background is a representation of consciousness - this guy is a day time thief and doesn't operate in secret under the cover of night. His matching red fur hat and shoes give off a sense of entitlement. Red can symbolise ego and the material world - but seeing as these stand out like a sore thumb and don’t suit his very common person outfit, it’s probably safe to assume that this added getup was also stolen. Why does he leave the other two swords? These are left to highlight that even though the opponent may have the upper hand the victims still have a chance to defend themselves.

How would I interpret this? Well. I see this card as some sort of a potential warning to pay more attention to your surroundings because you don’t always know who you can trust. I mean, I don’t think it’s necessarily saying that you’re physically going to be robbed - but you could potentially be robbed of something else - like how Robyn was robbed on Drag Race… twice

Upright Meaning

The most common name given to this card is “The Thief” card. The traditional message associated with this card is to protect your property and belongings. You may encounter a challenge in this current point of life - like someone invading your relationships, space or perhaps even a selfish partner who takes too much emotionally. You might need to play this person at their own game to find out what it is you need to know. They may be strong but you have valuable resources on your side. At the end of the day you will learn from these situations and will not make the same mistakes again. 

To me it feels like this card is saying to confront this theft situation - for example if someone has taken a creative idea from you. Don’t just let it happen - confront them about it and maybe in future be cautious of other humans. This feels like a learning curve card.

Reversed Meaning

Reversing this card shows the likelihood of someone giving up rather than standing up for themselves at this time. You have to get in the mindset of your opponent and predict their next move - even if this may feel unnatural to you. This will help you defend what is rightfully yours. Stand up for yourself. This all seems pretty self explanatory to me - I don’t feel like I need to decode anything here. See the ball, be the ball or whatever the f*ck sport people say.

So there’s the Seven of Swords. That one seemed weirdly easy… too easy. But hey, I’m not complaining. Sometimes things are just that simple to read! 

Hell yeah, let's meet our next Demon! This is 


The mighty Great Earl of Hell

I had no idea what a Great Earl was so I had to google that too. For those as clueless as me; it’s a rank of nobility in the United Kingdom. More nobles, I love it - This Solomon guy sounds like he has a type so far. He’s the 72nd Demon of Solomon's 72 Demons - lucky last there, but a pretty decent second card appearance here. I get huge anti-hero vibes from this guy - he’s like that Venom thing (I’m heaps not good with superhero stuff - this will probably end badly for me). He is a punisher of thieves and other wicked people. He returns what they have taken and finds all the other hidden dealings and treasures - resident spy if you will and appears as a man holding a great serpent. Andromalius rules over 36 Legions of Spirits and although he is a leader, he himself reports to either one of three higher ranking Demons, their names are Samyaza, Andras and Azazel. Again, there’s not that much I could find about this guy - much like the tarot card he seems pretty straight forward. Seems like a good guy, just punishing those who deserve it for stealing and being awful.

As always, I implore you to leave comments for myself and for others to see! I would love to read other interpretations on these.

Up next we delve into another member of the Swords minor arcana and meet Sitri - The Ace of Swords

See you in the next post



All the boring stuff: References

The Ultimate Guide to Tarot by Liz Dean
TarotLovers App - Link
Tarot Meanings App - Link
Wikipedia - Link
Occult World - Link
Mythus Fandom - Link
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