Bune - The Sun

Bune - The Sun

Hello Weirdos,
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t constantly thinking about just being back at this cafe all week. No distractions, no irritating human beings, just me, my coffee(s) and The 78 Club. This month has been a wild and stressful ride; two consecutive weeks of both bands releasing new music and two very different experiences. I must say, I already knew that humans sucked but my God, the music industry is a nightmare that I will never wrap my head around. I’m not going to get mad about it or rant, I’m past the point of being pissed off, so today I’m just going to enjoy my brew and research and move on. This week we explore our first Major Arcana card ‘The Sun’ and meet a three headed beast called Bune. Let’s go!

The Sun

Original Rider Waite Tarot

Card Description
Well, this card gives itself away just in its name, there’s obviously a giant sun at the top of it. His face certainly doesn't look too happy, but honestly I too would have resting b*tch face if I was that hot all the damn time. The sky behind him is blue, not a cloud in sight and he looks over a very tall garden bed of Sunflowers. The garden bed stands tall - almost like a wall- behind a tiny human on a white horse holding a giant red flag. The child also has a flower crown on their head with what looks like either a red fern, or feather, I can’t quite tell, but either way, they’re looking pretty content. This card makes me feel happiness - like there’s victory or freedom after something negative has happened. It feels as if you’ve conquered a hurdle that life has thrown your way. Everything is sprightly now that a ‘war’ has been won? Maybe?

I could be completely wrong with this one, but I would love to know how this card makes you feel.

Key Meanings: Success. Health. Positivity.
Upright: Happiness. Health. Vitality. 
Reversed:  Relationship Issues. Boredom. Lack of Clarity. 

The story behind the card
This card signifies the end of bad days and is one of the nicest cards in the deck that could appear in your spread. The Sun is set in an earthly paradise and we are seeing its cosmic light. The child on the horse appears naked as a sign that the child is one with the spirit of the world. They are also a representation of being fully aware of oneself in this universe, a romanticised time of innocence and happiness - an escape from the stresses of being an adult. Its alternate name is also ‘The Children’ and its overall key meaning revolves around success. 

Upright Meaning
If you’ve been having a tough time lately, pulling this card is going to reassure you that those dark days are coming to an end. Sunshine is coming for you baby! The sun signifies good health and brings positive energy and happiness with it in all aspects of life - relationships, work, money, general wellbeing. You should expect some clarity through your fogginess, lighting up a path for you to kick ass and achieve those goals you’ve been chasing. In short, I think this is a sign that you may be a boss b*tch?

Reversed Meaning
When this card is reversed, imagine the sun being tipped on its head. Although if we were to lose the sun the world would turn into complete and utter chaos, this could just be a temporary setback for you as the clouds roll in and start to make your path a little foggy. Don’t stress yourself out and think that it’s all over though, it's just giving you a heads up that you’ve got a few obstacles to overcome before you get to where you ultimately want to be. If anything it’s just pushing you to keep persevering, you’ve got this and will get there, it just might take a little longer. Last week’s card followed up by this one is making me feel like your personal hype man and I love it. But that’s enough about you, let’s meet Bune.


The Great Duke of Hell


This Duke of Hell and 26th Demon of the pack, rules thirty-five legions of Demons but only commands thirty of them. Bune is actually depicted in two ways. The first, as a three headed dragon, well, two dragon heads and a head of a man and the other is seen as the head of a dog, a man and a griffin. Either way, this guy doesn’t sound like a Demon I would want to hang out with, but also knowing that apparently he has a super high pitched voice makes him seem a lot less intimidating. Bune’s troops also known as ‘Buins’ are regarded to be exceedingly evil, which makes sense considering he himself removes corpses from their graves, and haunts cemeteries parading around the place like he owns it; on top of that commands his demons to also rummage around the places of the dead. He is able to make one rich, answer a variety of questions (your personal magic 8 ball) and has the ability to make one wise and charismatic. There’s not a whole lot more that I could find about this peculiar looking Demon, but he certainly doesn’t seem like a lot of fun considering even Solomon regarded him as a ‘Lesser Key’. Damn. 

And that’s it my weird tarot nerds. This week I decided I would let my cat Edgar choose our next card (watch the TikTok of it here). It seems pretty fitting- Amduscias’s card description says he brings excellent familiars - just like my Smooch, it’s also our very first Pentacle card ‘ The Nine of Pentacles’ to be exact. 

Have a great week and I’ll catch you in the next post


Heaps boring stuff: References
The Ultimate Guide to Tarot -  Liz Dean 
TarotLovers - Link
Tarot Meanings - Link
Encyclopedia.com - Link
Wiki Fandom - Link
DBPedia - Link
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