Furfur - The Ten of Cups

Furfur - The Ten of Cups

Hello Weirdos, 
I promise I had a totally valid reason for not posting last week! This gal spent her usual blog writing Sunday singing in front of 30,000 people at Knotfest with my beautiful friends in Alpha Wolf. Between that, my normie office job, recording with one of my bands and making orders for the store I just didn’t have enough hours in a day to sit down and get it done without burning myself out. So this is the first time in three weeks that I’ve been able to have ‘me’ time with a side of coffee and it feels like a wonderful breath of fresh air; which I’m going to try and bask in since I head off on tour with Escape The Fate in a few weeks so life is only going to get busier. Let’s get straight into it!

The Ten of Cups

Original Rider Waite Tarot

Card Description
This card just radiates the happiest, most triumphant energy. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of - if not the happiest card in the Rider Waite deck. A man and woman stand together, backs toward us, with arms around each other's hips. Their other arms are reaching to the sky with joy where we can see a giant rainbow with ten shining cups immersed in it and clear blue skies behind it. To the right we can see two children holding hands spinning in circles with green hills behind them, a stream to the right and a red roof in the distance.

Isn’t it just so happy? Least Emo card out there for sure… I hope. If this turns out to be like that filthy King of Pentacles we had a few weeks ago I’m going to be pissed.

Key Meanings
Upright: Happiness. Family. Harmony.
Reversed: Despair. Conflict. Divorce. 

The story behind the card
Pulling this card is definitely a good omen as these ten cups alongside a rainbow are a representation of blessings and rewards. The river flows, the trees are green and not a single cloud in the sky can be seen; could anything be happier than this place? The focus of this card is perfection; in numerology the number 10 represents completeness, which is very obviously visualised in this card. 

Upright Meaning
The Ten of Cups in its upright position is a prediction of great happiness in families, couples and even close friends. If you’ve spent some time without seeing family this could also mean that a reunion can be seen in the near future, whether it be a celebration or just a big catch up session. It is also an assurance card for hard work, reminding you that you will be rewarded for all of the hard work you’ve done. Don’t be afraid to seek help from friends either, that’s what they’re there for! Looking at this card as an overall picture, it’s a big reminder of the security in your life. It’s truly a prediction of lasting happiness. 

Reversed Meaning
In its reversal this card is a big indicator of tension between family, friends or your partner. It suggests that someone in this setting is the one causing all of this conflict and being a menace, so be cautious of people who may be trying to dictate the things that you do. It can also suggest that someone close to you is in need of help, so keep an eye out for anyone super close to you acting out of the ordinary. They just need a bit of a push to guide them back onto the right path in order to restore that balance and harmony. Even though things may not be going to plan, try not to dwell on this as there’s always a plan that can be made to get your life back on track. 

I pulled this card for my fiancé; so this is definitely super reassuring. Good to know that after all these years we’re still heaps cute, happy and getting married in six months. Damn, these cards are good… Demon time!


The mighty Earl and powerful Count of Hell

Oh my cute. Look at this beautiful creature! Furfur is the 34th demon in the Ars Goetia ruling over 26 legions of infernal spirits. This adorable demon appears as a deer with a fiery tail. He will always lie to whoever is summoning him unless compelled into a summoning triangle. This act is also called evocation which is when you use a spell in order to invoke a spirit or other supernatural entity. His seal must also be worn when summoning him. Once he’s been forced into one of these triangles he actually takes the form of an angel and speaks in a hoarse voice. It is said that his bat wings may be intended to suggest his angelic form which carries him through the air. 

Furfur’s name is a corruption of the Latin word ‘furcifer’ which means scoundrel. Although his name translates to this his teachings actually consist of truths. The demon has love making abilities which urge love between a man and his wife.

He encourages lawful and loving relations within the boundaries of marriage, he is not used for sexual pleasure out of wedlock. Furfur is also capable of creating violent storms with thunder, lightning and mighty blasts of wind. If his summoner wishes he will also teach you secrets and divine things. 
It is said that even without the use of proper ritual and materials this demon will always answer to his children and aid their livelihoods with answers and promises through direct thoughts of the mind. There is only one known cult that praises Furfur as his praise is generally considered to be quite private and done by an individual person. 

And that is it for this almost motherly figure. Next week we get to explore one of the most famous tarot cards in the major arcana - The Devil. We will also meet another cutie, this time it’s a Moo called Moloch. 

Enjoy your cute family time and don’t forget to look out for yourselves and those close to you. See you in the next post!

Not so fun stuff: References
The Ultimate Guide to Tarot -  Liz Dean 
TarotLovers - Link
Tarot Meanings - Link
A Little Spark of Joy - Link
Gods & Demons Wiki - Link


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