Marchosias - The Nine of Wands

Marchosias - The Nine of Wands

Hello Weirdos!

If you couldn’t already tell from the title of this blog, today we will be deep diving into the Nine of Wands with our very special guest star…Demon Marchosias! No more intro lets get cracking! 

The Nine Of Wands

Original Rider Waite Tarot

Card Description

A male presenting person with a bandage wrapped around their head stands in front of eight really tall sticks - these are the wands. Their facial expression seems slightly concerned or maybe even a tad dazed while they kind of lean onto the ninth wand. The wands behind them sort of look like a barrier and beyond that we can see clear blue skies and what appears to be either hills or treetops from a forest in the distance. If we look closely it almost looks like they might be standing on some sort of bridge. I will also note that the wands look like they still hold some sort of life seen as there’s little fresh green leaves still poking out of all of them. Boom, here’s the image.

How did I do? Can you pick up on more things that I haven’t mentioned? If so, make some notes for your gal and make sure you send it all through to me when you’ve finished reading! 

Key Meanings: Defense & Strength. Afraid & Cautious.

Upright: Reassessment. Determination. Courage. Happiness. Profitable Friendships.

Reversed: Lack of give and take. Delays. Health related Issues

The story behind the card

So most aspects of my description of the actual imagery itself seems to be correct from what I can see in my findings. The eight wands behind him are a representation of his resources and responsibilities. He grips onto the ninth wands with both hands like it’s a weapon. The others stand up straight behind him like guards ready to help defend against any unexpected event. Hey I was right! He is in fact standing on a platform and the reason he is doing this is to detach himself from society but also so he can see any potential opponents. He is a warrior who wears his bandage with pride - like a cool bandana. This is a representation of his past battles.We can also see that he is physically fit which symbolizes his strength and endurance. 

So as a quick summary of how I would interpret this: This guy is f**king exhausted but ready to fight if he needs to. He has seen some sh*t in his time but that isn’t going to stop him from defending everything he has worked so hard for. An absolute trooper if you ask me. So far this card seems like it’s pretty positive. Kind of like a, don’t give up, you’ve got this kind of deal. (Read to filth - I clearly needed this card the day he jumped out at me)

Upright Meaning

Upright this card shows that you are in a very strong position. You have fought long and hard to get to where you are and have endured a lot of challenges along the way- especially when it comes to work life. Being constantly on the ball is exhausting - you need to use this energy wisely. Plan your activities meticulously but try not to overdo it. This card is also the fine balance between being fairly defended and being defensive. While it is appropriate to establish and defend your boundaries your defensiveness can keep you in a negative mindset. This card often makes an appearance when someone is feeling like a creation of theirs is going to be taken from them - but this is not reality, it’s just their perception of it. It can instill an unwillingness to share their creation due to fear of being rejected or criticized. Let go, all of your efforts will be supported and appreciated. 

How I interpret this meaning: You’re pushing yourself way too hard and it’s okay to just take a step back and chill out. Even though (if you’re anything like me) - you don’t like asking for help or sometimes believe that no one can do things to your standard so you’ll just do it yourself - sometimes you’ve just got to grow up and accept the help. Let it go. As terrifying as it is to intrust others with something you’ve worked so hard for, you have a support system that can help you achieve great things… even if you are stubborn.

Reversed Meaning 

When reversed this card puts you in a position that feels a little unfair. You work so hard for barely any thanks or appreciation. You continue to give your all but you are at the mercy of an unreasonable person in your life - boss, child, friend or client. This just leaves you unmotivated and feeling no love for a job that you once found satisfying. In saying that, you could be the person making others around you feel that way. This card also shows boundary issues - someone may be invading your territory. You could also be dealing with someone who is acting defensively because you’re heading into uncomfortable territory for them.

How I interpret this: Either you or someone around you is being an ungrateful little b*tch and because of this you’re happiness is being stomped on (or you’re doing the stomping). All of your hard work and efforts are going unnoticed and that’s just downright disheartening. As for boundaries. Learn how to read a situation and don’t cross a line -I see this as someone either overstaying their welcome or crossing a line by giving advice or opinions that were not wanted or asked for.

So there’s the 9 of Wands explained. Please leave me comments of your interpretations of this card; I would love to read them! 


And now for the extra fun bit. Lets meet 


The nobel marquis of Hell

My favourite thing that I’ve learnt about Marchosias is that he actually presents himself as a savage she-wolf. He is number thirty five of the 72 Demons of Solomon and leads thirty legions of Demons. Thirty! He must be an exceptional manager… either that or everyone is just f**king terrified of him. He spews fire from his mouth but also has the ability to take the form of a human if requested by the Magician (The Exorcist to some? Couldn’t find why). 

Marchosias is probably not the kind of demon I would ask a question to if I was seeking a comforting or sugar coated answer because according to the internet this guy is brutally honest and will tell it as it is. He is a super strong fighter and is incredibly faithful to the Magician - he follows all of his commands. Before his fall into the fiery pits of Hell he actually belonged to the angelic order of Dominations - these guys would regulate the duties of lower angels and hardly ever made themselves visible to humans. When he was bound by his Chief (Solomon) he told him that after 1,200 years he hoped to return to Heaven. Uh, cute? - but from what I can see in my findings he was deceived and that actually never happened for him. 

Okay, so I’d be lying if I said that last bit of information didn’t make me so sad. Poor little guy! But I mean, what do you expect if you’re making a deal with a Demonic Leader?

And that’s it. There wasn’t as much information about this guy on the internet as I thought there would be. You can find instructions on how to summon him in the deck itself- so if you’re interested in that go for it, but I’m not coming with you. 

Next we meet Andromalius - The Seven of Swords

See you in the next post



All the boring stuff: References

The Ultimate Guide to Tarot by Liz Dean
TarotLovers App - Link
Tarot Meanings App - Link
Wikipedia - Link
Occult World - Link
Scarletarosa Tumblr - Link
Mythus Fandom - Link


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Super interesting!


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