Amduscias - The Nine of Pentacles

Amduscias - The Nine of Pentacles

Hello Weirdos, 
I feel like my intros for the last few weeks have revolved around my café adventures and this week I have hit my all time high for the month and it just started. I walked in, was greeted with a content ‘Hey! How have you been?’ And had my order said to me before I even got to open my mouth. I have officially hit peak ‘regular’ phase at a second café and it’s only week three. I think Sundays may be my favourite day? I’m also trying to make more content of me doing my daily tasks but it all feels heaps awkward so who knows if I’ll ever actually post any of the things I have filmed today. I get really bad second-hand embarrassment and I’m always paranoid that someone will feel it when they see my stupid mug on their screen. A little girl with the cutest ringlet pigtails I’ve ever seen in my f**king life also keeps smiling and waving at me. Her little wrists do the super cute Marshmallow Man thing where they are chubby and edible, if you like children you will know exactly what I mean. On a weird side note, and maybe this is just me, but there’s something so wholesome about a child being so sweet to someone alternative and not looking at you with disgust? Makes me feel warm and fuzzy knowing that there are parents out there teaching and clearly exposing their children to different walks of life and it’s pretty rad. Enough about me though, let's get stuck into the yellowest card I have ever seen and I’m not talking about the band. I’ll see myself out…

The Nine of Pentacles

Original Rider Waite Tarot

Card Description
This card is so yellow, it’s obnoxious, so SURELY the fact that it’s so very obviously this colour has some input to its meaning. This yellow hue consumes the entire card except for some standout reds which we can see in the figure’s hat, clothing, some of the fruits in the background and the birds uh, hat? A figure stands in the centre of the card - they appear to be female. Their left gloved hand is extended as a bird perches, she is looking at him like she’s freaking Snow White and this guy just appeared with his cool hat. Her other hand gently leans on one of the nine coins (pentacles), the left side of the card holds six coins while the remaining three sit closer to the floor on the right hand side. Behind her are some trees, possibly a church in the far top right corner and to the forefront there’s what I’m assuming is a vineyard, cause grapes? This card offends my eyes but gives me the feeling of being regal and wealthy. The yellow could possibly be gold? I could be way off, but it all just feels rich but humble.

How would you interpret this card? I feel like the colours have thrown me off. These are the colours though, I even googled the original image to make sure that the stains on my deck didn’t alter it 

Key Meanings
Upright: Monetary Gains. Prosperity. Comfortable Living. Independence.
Reversed:  Financial Dependence. Pride. Uncertainty. Hard Work, No Gain.

The story behind the card
The Nine of Pentacles is a symbol for the finer things in life and how we can enjoy them it is known as ‘The Rich B*tch* card. Sometimes we feel like we deserve more luxuries and pampering than we can afford. This manor/house that our figure is in is protected by by the hills. She stands proud in front of the fruits that she has cultivated herself and worked so hard to maintain in her plentiful land. The coins to her right are for her to keep whilst the ones on the left are for giving away. She is ensuring that she gives away less than she receives so that she is able to maintain her standard of living. The red depicted in the card is a symbol of passion and energy, she tends to her garden with the utmost love and care. The bird is actually wearing a hood, which is a representation of being temporarily tamed, its wild instincts under control, which is showing the woman a metaphor for restraint against materialism. 

Upright Meaning
From a monetary point of view this is a great card to have in your spread. It’s a prediction of a nice little bonus of money and is a symbol of being able to afford anything that your heart desires, all of this is due to your hard work and perseverance. As a business it shows success has been achieved and you should feel content about it. In short, this is the pinnacle of ‘Treat Yourself’. So enjoy the finer things in life because you deserve it. 

Reversed Meaning
Contrary to popular belief, when a card is reversed it doesn’t always mean the opposite of its upright face. But in this case, it totally does. It’s the complete opposite and this one sucks. Be cautious with your money, you’re more than likely going to end up with unexpected bills or financial instability (read to filth because this is a million percent me right now… and your sign to go treat yourself and buy things from my shop). There is also a big warning about gaining money in a questionable manner, so I suggest you don’t go stealing or doing sketchy sh*t that you shouldn’t be doing. Material possession isn’t everything and won’t always bring you happiness. 

Apart from feeling personally attacked by this card I think I’m getting the hang of this. Hey look, a Unicorn!?


The Great King of Hell

This Unicorn Man hybrid is ranked as one of the Kings of Hell and commands 29 legions of demons and spirits. He is ranked at number fifty seven of Solomon's crew. His hands and feet are in fact claws and he is a very interesting looking individual. If you know anything about ‘Heaven’ you would know that there are angels that fill the place with beautiful music and I believe that Satan was somehow involved with this gang before he was yeeted to Hell for being too hot and talented, well, Amduscias is Hells leading equivalent singing praise to Lucifer’s glory. The trumpet seen in the image is a symbol of his powerful voice and it is believed that his voice is heard during storms and can bend trees at will.

It’s also said that in 1916 a group of occultists managed to summon him and attempted to control him (lol, morons). Some guy called Edward Grey who hunted occultists stopped this and killed the group sending Amdusicas back to the underworld. BUT, this next level pissed off our demon friend so as punishment for sending him back to hell he dragged Edward back with him, tore him to shreds and dumped him on the banks of river Acheron. And here we were thinking that Unicorns were pure and sacred creatures. 
And that is it for this week's adventures, I feel like I would find all of this demon knowledge easier to retain if my pea brain could actually pronounce their names. 

Next week we explore another pentacle card that decided to kamikaze itself out of my deck. We learn about the King of Pentacles and get to know Berith - the guy that definitely looks like a relative of Lord Farquaad from Shrek. 

Make good financial choices and I’ll see you in the next post

Boring stuff: References
The Ultimate Guide to Tarot -  Liz Dean 
TarotLovers - Link
Tarot Meanings - Link
Mythus Fandom - Link
Demonic Paradise - Link


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