Berith - The King of Pentacles

Berith - The King of Pentacles

Hello Weirdos, 
I have literally nothing interesting to report about the last week. The music industry is still driving me insane, I watched a video about people who say ‘Arks’ instead of Ask that made me want to throw up - side note, if you’re one of those people please explain to me why you are plotting to infuriate every person you arks a question to and out of curiosity do you also say face maks? I also took a trip down memory lane with a good friend of mine to Suicide Silence’s “Doris” and it’s incredibly questionable chorus, turns out it still sucks… 

I have been distracted by two Police Officers walking into the café as I was writing this but they left because the poor barista was getting inundated with orders. As I watched them roll out, the customers slowly started collecting their orders and leaving ever so content with their much needed caffeine hit. Of course my pea brain decided to drift off to a dystopian world that played out like a film in my head. The only people left now are myself, a stout bearded man who appears to be another regular as I also see him here week after week and our sweet, short haired barista. It feels like one of those Zombie movies and we’re the unlikely friendship group that are somehow naturally great at combat and walk away from explosions… Anyway I should probably write about what I actually came here to write about, I think I may have a touch of ADHD. Let’s go!

The King of Pentacles

Original Rider Waite Tarot

Card Description
The second I looked at this card, disgust instantly ran through my body. It looks gross and chaotic. It could just be the overgrown moss and vines covering the King on his gold throne with bull head carvings. At first it gave me ‘your partner just left you and now you’re stewing in your own filth’ energy but the more I’m looking at it and notice his armored shoe, I’m leaning toward thinking this guy may have gone to war and come back to an abandoned palace? He is holding a giant coin in one hand and a scepter in the other but he looks kind of defeated. This card also kind of makes me feel like this King chose material things over people he loves and now everything is falling apart around him. 

Who knows, not me, so let's see what it actually means.

Key Meanings
Upright: Stability. Security. Grounded.
Reversed: Materialistic. Instability. Corruption. 

The story behind the card
I was so incredibly off with this card in its upright position and I truly have no idea how this feels even remotely positive in that imagery. This card has the last call on all things monetary, but financially related or not he is here to reward hard work. The card shows a King who is living the life someone could only dream of. He is unphased with the riches that his hand rests upon which is a symbol of confidence. His riches can also be spotted in his robe which is covered with grapes and vines. His unphased nature shows why he was placed in the position of King in the first place. The fortress behind him is a representation of everything he’s built and all of his achievements. The plants growing around the floor is also a symbol of social stability. Essentially this guy is a bit of a show off and enjoys flaunting everything he has collected through his hard work. 

Upright Meaning
This King is a loyal leader who has worked hard to achieve his goals. He does not like to be indebted to anyone and is a particularly proud person. This guy is likely to be a pretty creative and crafty person. If this card finds its way into your spread you’re likely to be thinking about different ways of making money, or designing something, you may even be considering building a new home. This card symbolizes the achievement of goals through careful and practical planning. Keep an eye out for anyone who may offer you financial advice or assistance, this could be super helpful to you.

Reversed Meaning
In its reversal this king is incredibly materialistic and is easily bought. He is not a fan of change and finds it super difficult to adapt. He is consistently preoccupied with money and gets jealous when those around him have more than him. He has a very ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ mentality because he just hates spending his money. If you see this guy in your deck though, just remind him that sometimes things that ‘ain’t broke’ still might need to be fixed.

Alright so, I hate the fact that I couldn’t read this card because the imagery versus the upright meaning still makes no sense to me. It’s definitely not a bad card to have on your side by any stretch, but I still find the image confusing. Let's move on and meet a demon who looks like someone who would relentlessly bully a fairytale creature because of his own insecurities. Let’s meet Lord Faaquad, I mean, Berith…


The Great Duke of Hell

Berith is the twenty-eighth spirit in Solomon’s Club. He has twenty-six legions of demons under his command and he is downright powerful and terrible. Strap in kids, this one’s a long one.

Berith rides a giant red horse that burns anyone with no manners and he’s depicted as a soldier wearing red armor and a golden crown. According to some grimoires his skin is also red. Honestly, he is probably the inspiration of the cute little red devil imagery that comes up in google searches, or act as Mascots for school thingies. 

When he was an Angel he was a prince of the order of Cherubim - that’s right, this little dude was a Cherub. As a Demon he notarises pacts made with the Devil and serves as a master of ceremonies. He sounds like a justice of the peace but in Hell… imagine getting your Underworld Passport and getting this little guy to sign off on your paperwork. All jokes aside, Berith is worshiped by Alchemists and Necromancers. Alchemists believed that he had the power to transform base metals into gold. He’s incredibly tricky to conjure and is known for making great promises and being a fantastic liar. Although he can be spiteful, hostile and mega detached he is equally as loyal and chivalrous.

This guy just straight up hates humans, especially those who believe that they have power, and takes great pleasure in corrupting the strong willed. Berith enjoys being alone and drinking the blood of doves… probably enjoys a good piña colada and long walks on the beach too. Who is this guy?! I feel like I’m on a dating site. 
Anyway, he has superhuman agility and strength, he can manipulate fire, but his main gig is perspective manipulation by creating illusions and altering a human’s views on a situation. I think I know this guy, I believe Trump and that little Russian man that can’t get a handshake out of anyone are some of his well known clients.
This guy is not put off by a handsome reward, he will make sure that great public dignities and riches are bestowed upon his conjurer. Please refer back to my previous statement.

Faaquard, I mean, Berith… is able to transmog his little body into any shape and be whoever he wants to be and take the places of anyone including human presidents. I didn’t throw that in there, that is actually what my reference said. I knew I knew him! He creates his own weapons which he uses to kill his enemies and victims. He’s also created serial killers to kill at his command and last but not least he has knowledge of the past, present and future. Is there anything this little devil can’t do?

I would say that’s it but Berith has so much history in other cultures which is far too much for me to go into because you’ll just never stop scrolling on here. If you want to learn more the links can be found at the bottom of the page. Although he’s small he’s definitely one of the big dogs in these legends. 

Next week we dive into The Page of Swords and say hello to one of Voldemort’s horcruxes Nag-...Botis 

Make sure you weed kill your room and I’ll see you in the next post!

So you want to know more huh?: References
The Ultimate Guide to Tarot -  Liz Dean 
TarotLovers - Link
Tarot Meanings - Link
God's & Demons Fandom - Link

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