Botis - The Page of Swords

Botis - The Page of Swords

Hello Weirdos, 
This week everything is feeling super out of whack but I got to end the week seeing My Chemical Romance again after thirteen years. I saw these guys for the first time when I was just fifteen (ooft, that was sixteen years ago) and it kind of felt like no time had passed at all, except that I was exceptionally more tired, a hell of a lot more offended by the teenage couple in front of me sucking face the whole damn time and my hair is greying. I also had no idea that baby Emo’s were still a thing and it warmed my heart seeing so many young teens wearing the sh*t I used to wear almost twenty years ago now. It was a wild ride. I am very much feeling Jamie-Lee Curtis when she was petitioning for bands to start having matinees; I do not have it in me to be out that late on a Sunday night anymore. 

But I also had a cute day at the Vegan Sydney Markets with the Wife and ate a bunch of delicious food… then got too hot and hid in the car, cranked the aircon and watched anime until doors. But enough about me, let’s get into it

The Page of Swords

Original Rider Waite Tarot

Card Description
This figure looks like they’re going to come in and save the day. The unlikely hero that everyone in town would look at and think ‘they’re just a Page, they’re not as talented as a Knight’ then they save your life from a fire breathing dragon because a boss b*tch is in town. I don’t know if that has anything to do with the meaning of the card, that’s just what this long haired ‘hero’ looks like to me. They wield a sword with both hands and that hair looks like it’s right out of a Pantene commercial, sassy pony majestically blowing in the wind. The figure is standing on a hill, maybe a field? Grass… Looking like they’re ready to take on anything that comes their way. The clothing is also giving me peasant chic with a hint of confidence in the red boots. I’m getting very, 'looks can be deceiving', 'don’t judge a book by its cover' energy. The sky is vibrant and decorated with a few clouds while a flock of birds fly in the distance.

This card is radiating a lot of confidence and Big D*ck Energy for me. But we’ll see! 

Key Meanings
Upright: Justice. Confidence. Fairness. 
Reversed: Unproductive. Manipulation. Exhaustion.

The story behind the card
Basil, I got my mojo back! I semi could read this card which is exciting. Looks like last week's messy endeavour was nothing but a hiccup.. on their behalf, because even after sleeping on it for over a week it still makes no sense.


This strong and confident person is standing tall with a sword in their hands. Depending on what book or site you reference this figure changes between being male and female. So I'm going to use they/them pronouns for this one. Although there is a storm brewing and it is fast approaching they show no fear. They are ready to take on anything that comes their way. The grass beneath their feet is very green and healthy which shows that this Page is here to bring positive change and progress. This is also hinted at by the flock of birds in the sky as they change direction with the wind. The fact that they are not wearing any armour indicates that they possibly have no experience with conflict but are ready to attack or defend. The dark red tunic is a symbol for ambition and the yellow sleeves and pants are a symbol of intellect. Young, feisty and confident this Page is very clear minded and dedicated to their cause.

Upright Meaning
In this position this card shows a champion of the people. If the Page of Swords makes an appearance in your spread it generally represents inspiration and motivation in your life. Get ready to take on the world. This card also stands for honesty so you may find yourself in a position where you will have to speak up for yourself and potentially others, but don’t stress yourself out too much if you’re worried about conflict, this is a good push in the right direction to becoming a very empowering human being. It is also important for you to acknowledge any problems you may stumble on or situations you might not feel equipped to deal with and make sure that you tackle them with respect. 

Reversed Meaning
In its reversal the Page of Swords is a symbol for some obstacles and failed plans in your life. It could also be an indicator that you are refusing to stand up for something that you know is right or not standing firm on your beliefs. Try not to dwell on this as its main purpose in this position is to serve as a reminder to stand up for what you believe in and keep pushing and fighting for the things in life that you desire most. It’s also a slight warning to watch who you’re telling your secrets to because someone out there is prone to going behind your back and just spilling the beans.

And here I was thinking that the Queens in the minor arcana were the only badass b*tches in town. Let’s go to Hogwarts and hunt down a Horcrux!


Great President & Earl of Hell

Botis is both a President and an Earl of Hell and looks over a whopping sixty legions of demons. This serpent is also number seventeen on Solomon's list.
At first glance Botis appears as a viper. But if commanded by whoever has summoned him; he can take the form of a man with great teeth and horns carrying a very sharp sword. It is believed that his bright sword extends itself at a high speed in order to impale opponents from a distance. This same sword is also known to behave like a serpent in accordance with the theme of its master, a Viper Demon. 
Like a lot of his Hellish comrades Botis is also a former angel that joined Lucifer’s rank during the War in Heaven and was banished to the underworld as punishment for siding with the ‘bad guy’. The Grand Grimoire also says that he is the direct subordinate of Agaliarept (big dog that serves directly under Lucifer). Just like That’s So Raven, this guy sounds like he’s a psychic and has the ability to tell the future but also tells of all things past and can reconcile with both friends and foes. Unfortunately there’s not much else that I could find on this slithery lad so I guess we’ve reached the end of our adventure for today. 

This week I thought I would ask the deck when shuffling what a specific person in my life needs to know right now and I guess I will figure that out next week when we look at The Ten of Cups and melt into the underworld to get to know what sounds like something Satan would name his Poodle, Furfur. 

Maybe keep those secrets bottled this week and we’ll you in the next post

This weeks Muses’: References
The Ultimate Guide to Tarot -  Liz Dean 
TarotLovers - Link
Tarot Meanings - Link
Wikipedia - Link
The Demonic Paradise - Link
A Little Spark of Joy - Link

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