Raum - The Three of Swords

Raum - The Three of Swords

Hello Weirdos, 
I’m currently sitting in a cafe by myself writing this post. If you know anything about me (which I’m assuming you don’t) I have never in my thirty-one years of existing on this planet taken myself out to do something ‘fun’ alone. There’s always been something about going to the movies by yourself or taking one’s self on a 'date' that totally weirds me out? I don’t know if maybe I’ve always seen out of the house activities as group experiences and already being a f**king loser at school, I didn’t want people to know that I also had no friends? Who knows. But I’m here, it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. The two flies parkouring around everyone’s food and faces is definitely not ideal but this almond flat white is actually pretty good… Anyway, this week we’re exploring a card that even people who know nothing about tarot would probably recognise… or have tattooed on their lower back, poking out of some low cut jeans… you know… ‘hot girl shit’. We’ll also be meeting a demon by the name of Raum, who I would probably keep as a pet cause I think he’s cute as a button. Amy on the other hand is a firm believer that birds are a danger to the world as they have weapons for faces… but I digress, let’s jump into it

The Three of Swords

Original Rider Waite Tarot

Card Description
I wish I was joking when I said that this card would be tattooed on so many people probably without even realising what it is. The main focus of this card is the giant, vibrant red heart smack bang in the middle of it. Three swords have plummeted into each side of the heart and one directly through the middle. The top of the card shows three rain clouds and what looks to me like pretty heavy rain. There’s not a whole lot of imagery in this card, but I must admit… it would make a very good trad flash. 
This whole card gives me a feeling of rejection, betrayal and down right loneliness. It honestly just straight up looks like how every Emo song from my youth made me feel… Think… ‘All That I’ve Got’ by The Used specifically. On that note, I know what album I will be listening to for the rest of my little adventure

Nailed it? I think I nailed it. But lets see what it actually means because I genuinely have no idea

Key Meanings: Loneliness. Heartbreak. Sorrow. Pain.
Upright: Growth. Heavy Responsibilities. Grief. 
Reversed: Friendship Issues. Forgiveness. Pain Release. 

The story behind the card
The primary meaning of this card is pain. It is one of two of the only cards in the minor arcana that doesn’t portray humans. Just as I described the heart is being penetrated by three swords but what I didn’t realise is that the rain is echoing their actions. Another thing that I hadn’t noticed (probably due to the fact that my RW deck has been stained with coffee is that there is actually a slight blue tinge that appears at the bottom of the heart which signifies truth. In this circumstance, the swords are piercing the truth. But whatever this truth, ‘in cruelty lies some kindness’ - a blue sky is a brighter looking future. 

Upright Meaning
This card is a prediction of healing, whether it’s from betrayal or emotional hurt. It encourages you to communicate your feelings with those around you in order to feel less alone and cope with any potential challenges of hurt that you may face in future. 
You need to learn to accept, forgive and just let go so you can move on with your life. Although this card appears negative in its upright position it’s definitely a reminder that even though right now you may be experiencing extreme pain, or sorrow you will get through it and end up in a better position because of it. Remember, accept, forgive and let go.

Reversed Meaning
The reversed meaning of this card is actually pretty similar to the upright meaning, the only difference really is that you’re not actively trying to let go and keep bottling and holding onto this trauma. Really stop and think about how much this is honestly consuming you because it’s not worth it. Let’s face it, we’re all humans and things take time to accept, especially if it’s something pretty traumatic like this, but you’re never going to get to that ‘better position’ if you keep dwelling on the past and drowning in self pity. 
Okay, let me just start off by saying that my little Emo soul absolutely hit the nail on the head with how this card made me feel. Maybe I’m actually okay at this? When you sit and stare at these cards and take in every little detail (or sometimes lack there of) they’re pretty self explanatory in a way? This could just be a fluke though and knowing my luck, it probably is. Now the super fun bit! Let’s meet a cute birdy from Hell.


The Great Earl of Hell

This ‘Night Killer’ is the 40th Spirit of Ars Goetia ruling thirty legions of Demons. He appears as a Crow who can turn into a human form at the request of whoever is conjuring him. He is extremely tall standing several feet high and is quite thin with yellow eyes and huge wings covered in pure black feathers. Before his fall to Hell he was actually in the angelic order of Thrones where he would turn the wheels of God’s palaces including the big dog’s Throne. Long story short, he actually hated his job and thought it was beneath him, he was ready to move up in the world (up the heaven ladder?). But he disliked his job so much that he would frequently leave his post to go check out what the other angels were doing and it was because of this he landed himself in Lucifer’s rebellion. Why does this sound like some Star Wars shit?
Anyway, it turns out that Raum is super nosy and is always sticking his beak in everything. Probably where the term ‘sticky beak’ comes from honestly. He was also dubbed as a ‘Demon of Deceit’ since he loves stirring the pot and creating drama… This guy is starting to sound like my Ex Girlfriend and I no longer wish to have him as a pet… 
Raum also steals treasures out of King’s houses whilst destroying cities and dignities of men; but he’s not all bad I guess since he also has the ability to tell the past, present, future, reconcile relationships and invoke love. Apparently he was worshiped in Egypt as the God ‘Khnum’. 

So there we have it, another card down and only a billion to go - but I must admit, coming to the café to write this was a fantastic idea and I will definitely be doing it again. 
Next week we will deep dive into our first Major Arcana pull ‘The Sun’ and meet our new three headed pal Bune.

See you in the next post 

BlahBlahBlah Boring: References
The Ultimate Guide to Tarot -  Liz Dean 
TarotLovers - Link
Tarot Meanings - Link
The Demonic Paradise - Link

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